Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Nightmare Trip

Last weekend me and my regular kaki went for fishing. The plan was like this....
  • Push off from Taman Desa at 8.00 am
  • Buy live prawn from Pulau Indah Paypond
  • Start fishing at Pulau Indah at about 10.30 am
  • Leave Pulau Indah at around 1.30pm to fish in Banting
  • Start fishing in Banting at around 3.30 pm
  • Leave Banting at around 8.00 pm
That was the initial plan. AS USUAL our trip never seems to follow plan. What happened was the total opposite.
We left Taman Desa at around 8.30am. And after buying the necessary items for our trip we proceeded to Pulau Indah. Did a quick stop at the paypond to get our prawns and we are off to our first fishing location. Angler's Paradise, Pulau Indah.
Arrived at Angler's Paradise at around 10.00 am. After unloading our gears, we decided on where we were gonna fish. The place looks VERY promising. Its at the rivermouth flowing into the sea. (Click here for video of the location). Soon we realized something was wrong. The tide was going out. Very soon we practically ran out of water to fish!!!!.
It was really hot and we were practically frying on the rocks. Note the colour of the rock that I am sitting on. That shows where the water is supposed to be when the tide is up.
Navin waiting for a bite.

We then decided to leave Pulau Indah and make our way to Banting. After loading all our fishing gears into the car, we then proceeded to leave the area. Guess what???!!!! MY CAR WAS STUCK...!!!! The front wheels got stuck in the soft sand. We tried everything that we could think off to get the car out but nothing was working. Instead, we were burying the car deeper into the sand. Alas.... after trying for 1 hour we gave up. I then had the honour of walking for about 1km to get help.
There was a fishing resort nearby, and I though I could get some help from them. Instead, I was told that it would cost me RM50.00 to get my car out. It seems that cars always seems to get stuck in the soft sand and these enterprising people decided that they could make quick cash from it. the rate was RM50.00 for daytime and RM60.00 for nightime. I had no choice but to pay RM50.00 to get my car out.
See how deep my tyres were. Note the rocks around the tyres. We were trying our very best to the the car out.
A closer look of my front tyre.
This was where my car used to be. Quite deep into the sand.

After getting out from our sandy grave, we then proceeded to fish in Banting. Navin has fished there before about 2 years ago and he is not too sure of the way there. Lucky, we managed to find the place without much difficulties. The place looks nice. We reached the place as the tide was coming up .(Click here for a video before tide up). We didn't was any time and proceeded to start fishing.
After fishing for about 1 hour or so.. I decided to try casting. I took out my Halco lure and started to cast. The first few cast were ok. I didnt cast for long. I would do about 20 cast then take a break. Soon the thing that feared the most happened. I did a wrong cast and my lure went flying into a tree. Navin was laughing at me at that time and I was desperately trying to save my lure. Luckily with my skills, I managed to get the lure out from the tree. Whew...!!!!
Halco in Tree

The day passed by slowly. We didn't get any fish at all. Nothing... there were a few strikes here and there but no solid hookups. I did manage to get an eel though. This eel took my bait and in the process committed suicide. What happened was after taking the bait, the eel had somehow managed to get tangle in my main line and it got strangled in the line. See the photo below.
Suicide eel

As a conclusion, we didn't really achieve what we had wanted to get. We ended up with 2 miserable belut and one small fish. Don't even know what fish was that. The Banting spot looked quite promising. (Click here for video when high tide). I'm sure this is not the last time that both of us will be at the Banting spot. The next time we come, we shall come with a vengence.

Summary of the trip : Got back home with sunburn, headache, muscle ache, bruises and scratches, and fever (only me).

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